Spanish (SPAN)

SPAN 101 Beginning Spanish I (4 crs)

Prerequisite: Placement test required.

A foundation in spoken and written Spanish, listening and reading comprehension, grammatical usage, and cultural backgrounds.

Attributes: GE IA Communication-Language Arts, LE-S1 Written and Oral Communication

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 4

Lab/Studio Hours: 1

SPAN 102 Beginning Spanish II (4 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 101 or suitable placement score on Spanish Placement Exam.

Continuation of Spanish 101.

Attributes: GE IA Communication-Language Arts, LE-S1 Written and Oral Communication

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 4

Lab/Studio Hours: 1

SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I (4 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 102 or suitable placement score on Spanish Placement Exam. Credit may not be earned in both SPAN 201 and SPAN 231.

Review of Spanish grammar and vocabulary, with focus on the development of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Students gain an understanding of the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world through a variety of topics.

Attributes: GE IA Communication-Language Arts, LE-R2 Global Perspectives

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 4

Lab/Studio Hours: 1

SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II (4 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 201 or SPAN 231 or suitable placement score on Spanish Placement Exam. Credit may not be earned in both SPAN 202 and SPAN 232.

Continuation of Spanish 201.

Attributes: GE IA Communication-Language Arts, LE-R2 Global Perspectives

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 4

Lab/Studio Hours: 1

SPAN 250 Valladolid Orientation (1 cr)

Prerequisite: Acceptance in the Valladolid Study Abroad Program and two years college Spanish or equivalent.

Preparation for study at the Universidad de Valladolid (Spain). Presentations by faculty and "Valladolid veterans.

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 1

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 301 Conversation and Composition I (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 202 or SPAN 232.

Conversation, reading and composition practice with an emphasis on the grammar, structure, and vocabulary of descriptive, argumentative, and narrative communication forms.

Attributes: GE IA Communication-Language Arts

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 302 Conversation and Composition II (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 301

Conversation, reading and composition practice on current topics as present in Spanish written, broadcast, and internet media.

Attributes: GE IA Communication-Language Arts

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 325 Phonetics and Pronunciation (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 301

Theory of the Spanish sound system and intensive practice of Spanish pronunciation and intonation.

Attributes: Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 2

Lab/Studio Hours: 1

SPAN 340 Spanish for Business (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 301 or consent of instructor.

Introduction to the Spanish business environment, including grammar review and specialized vocabulary. Taught entirely in Spanish.

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 352 Latin American Civilization (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 302 or consent of instructor. No credit if taken after LAS 354, SPAN 351 or SPAN 354.

• Credit may not be earned in both SPAN 352 and LAS 352.

Introduction to the historical background necessary for comprehending contemporary Latin America. Analysis of current social, political, and economic issues, with consideration of influential personalities in present-day Latin American society.

Attributes: Foreign Culture, GE IVD Humanities-Literature, Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 354 Latin American Civilization: Regional Focus (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 302 or consent of instructor. No credit after LAS 352, SPAN 351, 352

• Credit may not be earned in both SPAN 354 and LAS 354. To be taught only in a study abroad program in Latin America. Restricted to semester-long regional civilization courses.

Introduction to the historical background necessary for comprehending contemporary Latin America through a regional focus. Analysis of current social, political, and economic issues, with consideration of influential personalities in a region of present-day Latin American society.

Attributes: Foreign Culture, GE IVD Humanities-Literature

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 355 Spanish Civilization to 1900 (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 302 or consent of instructor.

A study of the country and its peoples from the cave paintings of Altamira to the Spanish American War. Emphasis on geography, history, religion, and the arts.

Attributes: GE IVD Humanities-Literature

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 356 Contemporary Spain (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 302 or consent of instructor.

Spanish history and civilization from Alfonso XIII through the Civil War and Franco years to democracy. Emphasis on life in contemporary Spain and Spain's role in the world.

Attributes: GE IVD Humanities-Literature

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 360 Survey of Hispanic Linguistics (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 302 and SPAN 325 or SPAN 326 or consent of instructor.

This course explores the structure of the Spanish language. Specific offerings examine one or more areas of linguistic research about the Spanish language.

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 363 Survey of Spanish Peninsular Literature (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 302

Reading, literary analysis, and discussion of works of Spanish Peninsular Literature, organized by genres (prose, poetry, theatre). Designed as introduction for advanced literature courses.

Attributes: GE IV Humanities, Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 367 Survey of Latin American Literature (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 302 or consent of instructor.

• Credit may not be earned in both SPAN 367 and LAS 367.

Study and literary analysis of the work of the principal writers of Latin American Literature from indigenous to contemporary literature.

Attributes: Foreign Culture, GE IVD Humanities-Literature, Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 385 Spanish Literature from Unamuno to Garcia Lorca (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 363 or SPAN 367/LAS 367, or consent of instructor.

Peninsular Spanish literature beginning with the generation of 1898 and including writers up to and through the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39.

Attributes: Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 386 Contemporary Spanish Literature (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 363, or SPAN 367/LAS 367, or consent of instructor.

Continuation of Spanish 385. Spanish writers since 1940.

Attributes: Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 395 Directed Studies (1-3 crs)

Consent: Department Consent Required

Study of a problem or special area in the culture, language, or literature of the Spanish-speaking world, approved by the supervising instructor and the department chair.

Attributes: Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Repeat: Course may be repeated

SPAN 399 Independent Study - Juniors (1-3 crs)

Prerequisite: Minimum junior standing.

Consent: Department Consent Required

Individual project under the direction of a faculty member.

Repeat: Course may be repeated

SPAN 405 Advanced Conversation (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 355 or 356 or 363 or SPAN/LAS 352 or SPAN/LAS 367

Intensive practice in Spanish conversation to promote fluency and correctness.

Attributes: GE IA Communication-Language Arts

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 409 The Craft of Translation (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 302

A practical course designed to show that each language is more than the sum of its words. Intensive practice of translation from and into both Spanish and English. Some reading on translation techniques and practices.

Attributes: Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 410 Advanced Grammar (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 302

Advanced study of vocabulary, idioms, and grammar based on selected model written texts.

Attributes: Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 418 Spanish Sociolinguistics in the United States/Latin America (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 325

• Credit may not be earned in both SPAN 418 and LAS 418.

Study of the Spanish language variation and dialects of the United States, the second largest Spanish speaking country in the world. This course includes reading, and analysis of linguistic topics such as Spanish-English dialectal contact, bilingualism, identities, and the influence of Spanish in today’s United States’ English. Students will learn about an array of historical dialects from 18th century Louisiana Isleño Spanish to new modern-day Chicago’s MexiRican Spanish.

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

Seminar Hours: 3

SPAN 420 Spanish for Health Professions (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 302

Discussions related to health care organizations in the Spanish speaking countries, and practice of specialized medical terminology. Techniques and problems of interpretation from Spanish to English and vice versa: meaning, use, and theories.

Attributes: Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 440 Spanish Business Writing (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 302

The goal of the course is to prepare students for business writing according to the guidelines and usage of correspondence in Spanish.

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 475 Topics in Latin American Literature (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 363 or LAS 367/SPAN 367 or consent of instructor.

• Credit may not be earned in both LAS/SPAN 475.

In-depth study of a particular area in Latin American literature.

Attributes: Foreign Culture, Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Repeat: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 476 The Novel in Latin America I: 1850-1950 (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 363 or SPAN 367/LAS 367, or consent of instructor.

• Credit may not be earned in both SPAN 476 and LAS 476.

Study of the most important novelists of Latin America, from 1850 to 1950.

Attributes: Foreign Culture, Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 477 The Novel in Latin America II: 1950-Present (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 363, or SPAN 367/LAS 367, or consent of instructor.

• Credit may not be earned in both SPAN 477 and LAS 477.

Continuation of SPAN/LAS 476. Covers period from 1950 to the present.

Attributes: Foreign Culture, Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 478 Latin American Modernismo (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 363 or SPAN 367/LAS 367, or consent of instructor.

• Credit may not be earned in both SPAN 478 and LAS 478. No credit if take after SPAN 475/675/LAS 475/675 when offered as El Modernismo.

A study of the late 19th century Latin American modernismo movement and its context. The course may focus on a major author, genre, or theme.

Attributes: Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 480 Latin American Literature and Film (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 363 or SPAN 367/LAS 367.

• Credit may not be earned in both SPAN 480 and LAS 480.

This course is an in-depth study of contemporary Latin American literature and the film versions of the literature in their historical and social contexts.

Attributes: Foreign Culture, Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 482 Women in Latin American Literature (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 363 or SPAN 367/LAS 367.

• Credit may not be earned in both SPAN 482 and WGSS 482.

This course is an in-depth study of the representation of women in contemporary Spanish American literature in their historical, cultural, and social contexts. Taught entirely in Spanish.

Attributes: Foreign Culture, Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 491 Special Topics (1-3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 355 or SPAN 356 or SPAN 363; or SPAN 352/LAS 352, or SPAN 367/LAS 367, or consent of instructor.

• See current Class Schedule for specific topic.

In-depth study of a special area in the language, cultures, or literatures of the Spanish-speaking world.

Attributes: Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Repeat: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 492 Seminar in Hispanic Linguistics Research (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 360 and SPAN 418/LAS 418 or consent of instructor.

This course covers theory and practice of linguistic research on a general theme. Students design and carry out research projects, choosing language problems and research methodology tied to the theme.

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

Seminar Hours: 3

SPAN 499 Independent Study - Seniors (1-3 crs)

Prerequisite: Minimum senior standing.

Consent: Department Consent Required

Individual project under the direction of a faculty member.

Repeat: Course may be repeated

SPAN 525 Phonetics and Pronunciation (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 301

• Dual-listed with SPAN 325. Credit may not be earned in both courses.

Theory of the Spanish sound system and intensive practice of Spanish pronunciation and intonation.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 2

Lab/Studio Hours: 1

SPAN 552 Latin American Civilization (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 302 or consent of instructor. No credit if taken after LAS 354, SPAN 351, 354.

• Dual-listed with LAS/SPAN 352/552. Credit may only be earned in one of these courses.

Introduction to the historical background necessary for comprehending contemporary Latin America. Analysis of current social, political, and economic issues, with consideration of influential personalities in present-day Latin American society.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 563 Survey of Spanish Peninsular Literature (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 302

• Dual-listed with SPAN 363. Credit may not be earned in both courses.

Reading, literary analysis, and discussion of works of Spanish Peninsular Literature, organized by genres (prose, poetry, theatre). Designed as introduction for advanced literature courses.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 567 Survey of Latin American Literature (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 302 or consent of instructor.

•Dual-listed with LAS/SPAN 367/567. Credit may only be earned in one of these courses.

Study and literary analysis of the work of the principal writers of Latin American Literature from indigenous to contemporary literature.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 585 Spanish Literature from Unamuno to Garcia Lorca (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 363/SPAN 563, or SPAN 367/LAS 367 / SPAN 567/LAS 567, or consent of instructor.

• Dual-listed with SPAN 385. Credit may not be earned in both courses.

Peninsular Spanish literature beginning with the generation of 1898 and including writers up to and through the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 586 Contemporary Spanish Literature (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 363/SPAN 563, or SPAN 367/LAS 367/SPAN 567/LAS 567, or consent of instructor.

• Dual-listed with SPAN 386. Credit may not be earned in both courses.

Continuation of Spanish 385/585. Spanish writers since 1940.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 595 Directed Studies (1-3 crs)

Consent: Department Consent Required

• Dual-listed with SPAN 395.

Study of a problem or special area in the culture, language, or literature of the Spanish-speaking world, approved by the supervising instructor and the department chair.

Repeat: Course may be repeated

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

SPAN 609 The Craft of Translation (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 302

• Dual-listed with SPAN 409. Credit may not be earned in both courses.

A practical course designed to show that each language is more than the sum of its words. Intensive practice of translation from and into both Spanish and English. Some reading on translation techniques and practices.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 610 Advanced Grammar (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 302

• Dual-listed with SPAN 410. Credit may not be earned in both courses.

Advanced study of vocabulary, idioms, and grammar based on selected model written texts.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 620 Spanish for Health Professions (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 302

• Dual-listed with SPAN 420. Credit may not be earned in both courses.

Discussions related to health care organizations in the Spanish speaking countries, and practice of specialized medical terminology. Techniques and problems of interpretation from Spanish to English and vice versa: meaning, use, and theories.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 675 Topics in Latin American Literature (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 363 or LAS/SPAN 367 or consent of instructor.

• Dual-listed with LAS/SPAN 475/675.

In-depth study of a particular area in Latin American literature.

Repeat: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 676 The Novel in Latin America I: 1850-1950 (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 363/563 or LAS/SPAN 367/567, or consent of instructor.

• Dual-listed with LAS/SPAN 476/676. Credit may only be earned in one of these courses.

Study of the most important novelists of Latin America, from 1850 to 1950.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 677 The Novel in Latin America II: 1950-Present (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 363/563 or LAS/SPAN 367/567, or consent of instructor.

• Dual-listed with LAS/SPAN 477/677. Credit may only be earned in one of these courses.

Continuation of LAS/SPAN 676. Covers period from 1950 to the present.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 678 Latin American Modernismo (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 363, or SPAN/LAS 367, or consent of instructor.

• Dual-listed with LAS/SPAN 478/678. Credit may only be earned in one of these courses. No credit if taken after LAS/SPAN 475/675 when offered as El Modernismo.

A study of the late 19th century Latin American modernismo movement and its context. The course may focus on a major author, genre, or theme.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 680 Latin American Literature and Film (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 363/SPAN 563 or SPAN 367/LAS 367 / SPAN 567/LAS 567.

• Dual-listed with SPAN/LAS 480/680. Credit may only be earned in one of these courses.

This course is an in-depth study of contemporary Latin American literature and the film versions of the literature in their historical and social contexts.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 682 Women in Latin American Literature (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 363/SPAN 563 or SPAN 367/LAS 367 / SPAN 567/LAS 567.

• Dual-listed with WGSS/SPAN 482/682. Credit may only be earned in one of these courses.

This course is an in-depth study of the representation of women in contemporary Spanish American literature in their historical, cultural, and social contexts. Taught entirely in Spanish.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

SPAN 691 Special Topics (1-3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPAN 352 or SPAN 355 or SPAN 356 or SPAN 363 or SPAN 367 or SPAN 552 or SPAN 563 or SPAN 567 or LAS 352 or LAS 367 or LAS 552 or LAS 367 or LAS 552 or LAS 567 or consent of instructor.

• Dual-listed with SPAN 491. See current Class Schedule for specific topic.

In-depth study of a special area in the language, cultures, or literatures of the Spanish-speaking world.

Repeat: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

SPAN 797 Independent Study (1-3 crs)

Consent: Department Consent Required

Independent study projects under direction of faculty members.

Repeat: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option