History - Master of Arts

(Code 380-804)

The Master of Arts-History is intended for those who wish to increase their backgrounds in history and for those students who intend to do further advanced work in history. Graduate students who complete the program are expected to broaden and deepen their knowledge and understanding of history and techniques of historical research to ensure a sound, factual knowledge and a grasp of pertinent historical literature in the fields in which they study, to appreciate the historical method of searching for truth, and to recognize the complex nature of historical developments.

Degree requirements have been arranged and a counseling system devised with the intention of providing each student a program encompassing both breadth and depth.

Students must earn one of the following options:30-33
Option 1: Thesis
A minimum of 30 graduate credits in history, which requires a minimum/maximum of 6 credits of HIST 799. HIST 795 and HIST 796 do not count toward this option.
HIST 719Readings in Area of Thesis3
HIST 793Current Trends in History3
HIST 799Thesis6
Option 2: Non-thesis
A minimum of 33 graduate credits in history with no thesis required. Maximum 3 credits of HIST 795 may apply toward this option. HIST 796 and HIST 799 do not count toward this option.
HIST 793Current Trends in History3

     1.  At least 18 credits must be taken in courses open only to graduate students (700-level).
     2.  Up to nine credits may be from disciplines outside of history with the approval of the advisor.
     3.  All students must attain a GPA of 3.00 or higher. 

Areas of Expertise and Exams: Graduate students prepare themselves in an area of expertise designed to meet their needs and interests. Areas of expertise may be defined by broad themes, topics, chronology, or geography. A required written comprehensive exam will be based upon substantial knowledge of the student’s area of expertise based upon research, course work, and bibliographies created in consultation with faculty. During their final semester all students are also required to take an oral exam related to their area of expertise. Non-thesis students’ oral exam will be based upon their course work and written comprehensive exam. For students completing a thesis, the oral exam will be related to their research. The oral exam committee includes the graduate coordinator, one or two additional history graduate faculty, and one graduate faculty from outside the Department of History.

Program Learning Outcomes

Students completing this program will be expected to meet the following learning outcomes: 

  • The student demonstrates a broad knowledge and understanding of history. 
  • The student demonstrates an understanding of theoretical approaches to history and historiography. 
  • The student analyzes and interprets historical developments through research, writing, and oral presentations. 
  • The student applies an understanding of the historical complexity of the people, institutions, events, and ideas that shape the world today. 
  • The student demonstrates the foundations of a professional identity as an historian. 
  • The student demonstratesan understanding of the theory and ethics of public history (for public history students).