Business Administration, UW MBA Consortium Online - Master of Business Administration

(Code 740-801)

Graduate Program Requirements

The MBA program consists of 36 graduate credits, 26 of these credits involve specific course requirements and the remaining 10 credits are MBA electives selected by the student. Students may have MBA 708 and/or MBA 709 waived by demonstrating mastery of course competencies through a program-approved process. Students will complete an additional two to four credits of electives if one or both of these courses are waived.

Business Essentials Courses4
Essentials of Financial Analysis
Essentials of Economic and Statistical Analysis
Core Courses22
Defining your Plan for Success: The MBA Mindset
Leading & Communicating in Dynamic & Diverse Organizations
Making Informed Managerial Decisions
Developing New Products and Services
Competing Strategically in a Global Environment
Navigating Change amid Uncertainty
MBA Program Capstone
Elective Courses10
Select 10 credits of MBA electives (see list of courses at

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Satisfactory progress is defined as the maintenance of a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher in the program. A student not making satisfactory progress toward the degree may be placed on probation or dismissed from the program on the recommendation of the academic director of the MBA program.

A 3.00 cumulative GPA in courses counting toward the MBA is required for graduation. A course in which a grade of C- or lower is earned will not be counted toward the 36-credit MBA minimum, but will be computed in the GPA. A maximum of six MBA credits of C or C+ work will be accepted. A student who receives a C- will need to take a replacement course. A student earning a D+ or lower in a graduate-level course will be dismissed from the program regardless of where the course was taken. The student may petition for readmission to the program by writing to the academic director of the MBA program.

Graduation Requirement

Students need to be registered for a course in the term they are graduating.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the program, students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to be effective leaders who can do the following in a global and domestic context: 

  • Lead a diverse and inclusive organization. 

  • Demonstrate a sense of social and ethical responsibility. 

  • Identify and evaluate market opportunity. 

  • Create and sustain competitive advantages. 

  • Communicate effectively in organizations. 

  • Use critical thinking and analytical reasoning to make informed business decisions. 

  • Create and maintain a dynamic vision for personal and professional development.