Credit for Prior Learning


Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is a methodology for evaluating students’ prior-learning in order to potentially award credit for learning experiences that are not in themselves credit-bearing. We offer credit for nationally recognized exams like CLEP, AB, IB, and DANTES as well as institutional exams and assessments. 

National Testing (AP, IB, CLEP, DANTES)

Advanced Placement Program (AP)

Students who achieve a minimum score of three (3) on any of the advanced placement examinations will receive at least three credits in the appropriate liberal education category. In addition, some academic departments have approved granting specific credit. (NOTE: Course equivalencies are subject to change. Students receive the course equivalency in effect when they matriculate.) Rather than a letter grade, students receive a mark of “CP.” For prerequisite purposes this is equivalent to “a grade of C or above.” Departments may restrict the total number of credits earned by examination applicable toward their majors and minors. In no case may more than half the requirements for a major or minor be fulfilled by means of examination for credit. For current exams and credits granted see the UW Help site. For information on sending scores to UW-Eau Claire see Academic Testing.

International Baccalaureate Examinations (IB)

The University grants credit for a score of four (4) or higher on all Higher Level International Baccalaureate examinations. Students receive the course equivalency in effect when they matriculate. Rather than a letter grade, students receive a mark of “CP.” For prerequisite purposes this is equivalent to “a grade of C or above". For current equivalencies see the UW Help site or contact Academic Testing.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

The University grants credit for certain examinations offered by the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). These examinations are administered nationwide. At UW-Eau Claire, they are administered by the Academic Testing Office. Students receive the course equivalency in effect when they matriculate. Rather than a letter grade, students receive a mark of “CP". For prerequisite purposes this is equivalent to “a grade of C or above". For current equivalencies see the Academic Testing webpage.  CLEP exams fall into the following two categories:

CLEP General Examinations

The University awards credit for a satisfactory/passing score on the general examinations in Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Science/History, which will satisfy one experience in the appropriate LE outcome.

General Examinations should be taken before the student has completed initial enrollment in the University. They must be taken by the time the student has completed 15 semester credits of college work and before enrollment in any courses in the area to be tested. Exceptions to this rule may be made for older students with unique backgrounds. Requests for these exceptions should be directed to the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

CLEP Subject Examinations

The University accepts certain subject examinations.  Subject (course equivalent) examinations should be taken before a student has enrolled in the equivalent course or in any higher level course for which it is a prerequisite. With departmental permission, however, the student may take an examination for a course in which he/she is enrolled provided it is taken before the end of the first week of classes. Examinations for credit may not be used to repeat courses already attempted at or transferred to UW-Eau Claire.


The University accepts certain DANTES examinations. A score calculated as a "B-Grade Equivalent" or better on the exam will be awarded credit.  Students receive the course equivalency in effect when they matriculate. Rather than a letter grade, students receive a mark of “CP.” For prerequisite purposes this is equivalent to “a grade of C or above.”  Course equivalent examinations should be taken before a student has enrolled in the equivalent course or in any higher level course for which it is a prerequisite. Examinations for credit may not be used to repeat courses already attempted at or transferred to UW-Eau Claire.  For current equivalencies see the Academic Testing webpage.

Institutional Exams and Assessments


  1. A limit of 24 credits can be earned via portfolio, challenge exam, department exam, or other internal institutional assessment at UWEC/UWEC-BC. Credits earned through CPL do not count toward residency requirements.
  2. Students must be actively enrolled in a degree program at UWEC/UWEC-BC to obtain credits through CPL.
  3. A CPL fee will be charged according to the number of credits sought ($75 for 1-3, $150 for 4-6, $225 for 7-9 and $300 for 9-12; with each additional credit sought assessed at $75) and an administrative fee for the department undertaking the assessment ($200).
  4. A student cannot have previously attempted to earn credit for the requested course.
  5. If credits are awarded, they will be posted on the student’s transcript and appear above transferred coursework, per system policy. Credit will be identified with the matching UWEC course or as elective credit, whichever is most appropriate for the learning demonstrated.

Departments may limit the courses available for credit for prior learning. The department can decide if they can be taken for a grade or S/U. Credit for prior learning should be assessed before the student has enrolled in the equivalent course or in any higher level course for which it is a prerequisite. With departmental permission, however, the student may take an examination for a course in which he/she is enrolled provided it is taken before the end of the first week of classes. Examinations for credit may not be used to repeat courses already attempted at or transferred to UW-Eau Claire. 


  1. Students who wish to demonstrate that their learning experience should be considered for credit will work with their advisor in ARCC to identify the course(s) for which they can demonstrate meeting the learning outcomes. 
  2. The student will initiate an e-form to formally start the CPL process. Credit assessment may happen in a variety of ways. Relevant fees must be paid at the time of submission.
  3. After assessment if any credit is approved it will be added to the students academic transcript. 

CPL Course Table

Courses that have been pre-approved by the department are listed. This is not a comprehensive list of options. A department may allow a student to submit an CPL assessment for any course in the catalog.

Written Exam
MUSI 141Theory Written I3
MATH 20Intermediate Algebra4
Oral Interview
SPAN 101Beginning Spanish I4
Portfolio Assessment
PHYS 291Special Topics1-3