Geography, Minor - Liberal Arts

Liberal Arts (Code 140-410)

A minimum of 24 semester credits, including:
GEOG 104Planet Earth: The Physical Environment4
GEOG 111Planet Earth: Human Geography3
GEOG 178Planet Earth: Conservation of the Environment3
GEOG 200Foundations of Geography3
Four courses to be selected from three of the five Advanced Geography Approaches (see below)

Advanced Geography Approaches

Five courses from at least three advanced approaches are required for major programs. Four courses from at least three advanced approaches are required for minor programs. 

Physical Geography

GEOG 304Introduction to Geomorphology4
GEOG 340Climatology3
GEOG 345Quaternary Environments3
GEOG 350Soils and the Environment4
GEOG 355Biogeography3
GEOG 363Watershed Analysis4
GEOG 364Fluvial Processes and Landforms4

Human-Environmental Geography

GEOG 270Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning3
GEOG 341Weather and Society3
GEOG 361Environmental Hazards3
GEOG 365Tourism Geographies3
GEOG 375Environmental Quality3
GEOG 377U.S. Environmental and Sustainability Policy3
GEOG 378International Environmental Problems and Policy3
GEOG 445Historical Geography3

Human Geography

GEOG 155Economic Geography3
GEOG 288Cultural Landscapes of North America3
GEOG 312Space, Society, Subject3
GEOG 313Culture and Transnational Dynamics3
GEOG 322Native Geographies3
GEOG 352Business Geographics3
GEOG 354Sustainable Placemaking and Community3
GEOG 366Geography International Immersion Experience1-3
GEOG 367Landscape Analysis: Cultural3
GEOG 369Geography of Food3
GEOG 444Legal Geographies of Race in the U.S.3
GEOG 446Political Geography3
GEOG 470Urban Geography3

Geography Techniques

GEOG 280Introduction to Cartography and Visualization3
GEOG 335Geographic Information Systems I 13
GEOG 336Geospatial Field Methods3
GEOG 337Geographic Information Systems II3
GEOG 338Remote Sensing of the Environment3
GEOG 339Applied Cartography and Geovisualization3
GEOG 358LiDAR Analysis & Applications3
GEOG 370Quantitative Methods in Geography 13
GEOG 390Geospatial Applications of UAS3
GEOG 435Geographic Information Systems III3
GEOG 438Remote Sensing Data Analytics3
GEOG 455Web Geographic Information Systems3

Regional Geography

GEOG 301Geography of Western Europe3
GEOG 308Geography of Russia and Eastern Europe3
GEOG 319Geography of the Middle East and North Africa3
GEOG 321Geography of Latin America3
GEOG 325Geography of the United States and Canada3
GEOG 379Geography of Wisconsin3

Other Geography Courses

The following courses can be applied to any of the five approaches with consent of the advisor:
GEOG 368Geography Field Seminar 13
GEOG 395Directed Studies1-3
GEOG 399Independent Study - Juniors1-3
GEOG 491Advanced Special Topics1-3
GEOG 498Geography Internship1-3
GEOG 499Independent Study - Seniors1-3

Required courses for majors only.

Program Learning Outcomes  

Students completing this program will be expected to meet the following learning outcomes:

  • Demonstrate geographical knowledge, understanding, and significance through analysis, explanation, and critique.
  • Effectively use and apply the tools of geographic inquiry.
  • Effectively explain how geographic approaches and perspectives are used to address socially/environmentally relevant questions and problems and why identifying the underlying spatial relationships is significant.