Latin American and Latinx Studies, Certificate

Liberal Arts (Code 341-601)

For advising, contact the Latin American and Latinx Studies Program.

The Latin American and Latinx Studies Certificate is intended to provide students in any field of study with the opportunity to learn more about Latin America and its peoples without requiring either knowledge of the language nor immersion time in a Latin American country. The certificate can be particularly useful for students in fields which may bring them into contact with people of Latin American origin or descent living in the US, such as education, nursing, and social work, among others. The Certificate may also interest Spanish majors and minors who have studied in Spain and don’t have the ability to do an immersion in a Latin American country, but would nonetheless benefit from learning more about Latin America and Latinx/Hispanic communities in the U.S., their history, and their culture, as well as heritage speakers of Spanish who might not be interested in formally pursuing the study of the Spanish language, but do want to learn more about Latin America and Latin American communities in the U.S.

12 credits required 1
Core courses:
LAS 150Introduction to Latin American and Latinx Studies3
LAS 222Introduction to U.S. Latino History and Culture3
Two courses from the Humanities/Social Sciences courses listed below (or other courses with approval of the LAS Program Director):6
Indigenous Theory and Methodologies
Language in Culture and Society
Ancient Art and Architecture of Mexico and Central America
Art of Tawantinsuyo
Gender, Race, Class, and Communication: The Social Construction of Identity
Experiences of Minoritized Groups in U.S. Economy
Economic Development of Latin America
Women and Economic Development
Social Foundations: Human Relations
Sustainability Basics and Beyond
Water Problems, Water Solutions
International Environmental Problems and Policy
Second Language Acquisition Theory
Latin American Literature in Translation
Planet Earth: Human Geography
Planet Earth: Conservation of the Environment
Geography of Latin America
Latin American History: Colonial to the Present
American Women's History
Music and Dance of Latin America
Latinx Health and Migration to the U.S.
Mathematics in Latin American Cultures
Community and Public Health Nursing
Cross Cultural Health
Practicum: Nursing Leadership I (when focused on Latin American and/or Latinx/Hispanic related topics)
Model United Nations
Global Health
Introduction to Public Health
Environmental Ethics
Politics of Latin America
Women and World Religions
Indigenous Religions of the Americas
Sociology of Gender
Race and Ethnicity in the U.S.
Social Class and Inequality
Human Rights and Global Justice
Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Perspectives in LGBTQ Studies
Women of Color Feminisms
Transnational Feminism
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Advanced Travel Seminar (when offered as Women in Nicaragua)

or equivalent courses offered in the study abroad programs. Also, Honors courses focused on Latin American and/or Latinx/Hispanic related topics may be counted as an LAS elective; please consult with an LAS advisor in a timely manner for more information about these options.

Note: Courses cannot be counted in both the major and the certificate program for purposes of meeting graduation requirements for first and second degree programs.

Program Learning Outcomes

Students completing this program will be expected to meet the following learning outcomes:

  • Describe the diverse cultures, modes of communication, environments, and/or systems of knowledge and values as they pertain to Latin America, the Caribbean, and/or Latinos/Hispanics in the United States.
  • Explain global relationships of power, acknowledging multiple perspectives as they pertain to Latin America, the Caribbean, and/or Latinos/Hispanics in the United States.
  • Articulate how individual and/or collective decisions have global implications and appraise the need for personal and/or collective responsibility in creating more just global practices.