Latin American and Latinx Studies, Minor

Liberal Arts (Code 341-401)

Minimum 24 semester credits including: 1
Required Courses-14 credits
LAS 150Introduction to Latin American and Latinx Studies3
LAS 222Introduction to U.S. Latino History and Culture3
SPAN 201Intermediate Spanish I4
SPAN 202Intermediate Spanish II4
Electives-at least 10 credits from the following:
Indigenous Theory and Methodologies
Language in Culture and Society
Ancient Art and Architecture of Mexico and Central America
Art of Tawantinsuyo
Gender, Race, Class, and Communication: The Social Construction of Identity
Experiences of Minoritized Groups in U.S. Economy
Economic Development of Latin America
Women and Economic Development
Social Foundations: Human Relations
Sustainability Basics and Beyond
Water Problems, Water Solutions
International Environmental Problems and Policy
Second Language Acquisition Theory
Latin American Literature in Translation
Planet Earth: Human Geography
Planet Earth: Conservation of the Environment
Geography of Latin America
Latin American History: Colonial to the Present
American Women's History
Music and Dance of Latin America
Latinx Health and Migration to the U.S.
Domestic Immersion Experience
International Immersion Experience
Directed Studies
Independent Study - Juniors
Internship 2
Special Topics
Internship with Immersion 2
Independent Study - Seniors
Mathematics in Latin American Cultures
Community and Public Health Nursing
Cross Cultural Health
Practicum: Nursing Leadership I (when focused on Latin American and/or Latinx/Hispanic related topics)
Global Health
Introduction to Public Health
Environmental Ethics
Politics of Latin America
Model United Nations
Women and World Religions
Indigenous Religions of the Americas
Sociology of Gender
Race and Ethnicity in the U.S.
Social Class and Inequality
Latin American Civilization
Latin American Civilization: Regional Focus
Seminar in Hispanic Linguistics Research
Human Rights and Global Justice
Introduction to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Perspectives in LGBTQ Studies
Women of Color Feminisms
Transnational Feminism
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Advanced Travel Seminar (when offered as Women in Nicaragua)
Immersion Requirement 3

or equivalent courses offered in the study abroad programs. Also, Honors courses focused on Latin American and/or Latinx/Hispanic related topics may be counted as an LAS elective; please consult with an LAS advisor in a timely manner for more information about these options.


Students may earn a total of six credits from LAS 488 and LAS 498, but only three credits can count for the minor.


Immersion Requirement: The Latin American and Latinx Studies, Minor requires an immersion experience in a country of Latin America or participation in a faculty-led immersion experience focused on Latinx communities in the US. There are a variety of options for fulfilling the immersion requirement, including winterim, semester and summer programs abroad of a minimum three weeks' duration, Faculty-Led International Immersion Experiences (FLIIEs) and Domestic Intercultural Immersions (DIIs) of any duration that have been approved by the Latin American and Latinx Studies Program, National Student Exchange, internships, and volunteer work. No home stay during immersion is required for this minor. Please consult with your advisor early on in your studies to choose the immersion experience that will work best for you. Because course offerings in study abroad programs vary, please consult with the Center for International Education and your Latin American and Latinx Studies advisor early on in your studies to choose the time, program, and courses that will work best if you plan to fulfill your immersion experience through study abroad. Courses taken during study abroad may satisfy some of the requirements for the minor or Liberal Education (LE) experiences and reduce time to graduation.

Note: For program combinations involving Latin American and Latinx Studies programs, students must earn a minimum of 48 unique credits for purposes of meeting graduation requirements for first and second degree programs.

Program Learning Outcomes 

Students completing this program will be expected to meet the following learning outcomes:

  • Describe the diverse cultures, modes of communication, environments, and/or systems of knowledge and values as they pertain to Latin America, the Caribbean, and/or Latinos/Hispanics in the United States.
  • Explain global relationships of power, acknowledging multiple perspectives as they pertain to Latin America, the Caribbean, and/or Latinos/Hispanics in the United States.
  • Articulate how individual and/or collective decisions have global implications and appraise the need for personal and/or collective responsibility in creating more just global practices.
  • Communicate with proficiency in a non-English target language of Latin America, the Caribbean, or Latinos/Hispanics in the United States.1

1The desired benchmark for linguistic proficiency in the target language for the Latin American and Latinx Studies minor is the Intermediate Mid level or above according to the ACTFL proficiency guidelines. Presently the target language in Latin American and Latinx Studies is Spanish. With the consent of the LAS Steering Committee students may work to develop proficiency in other languages spoken in Latin America and the Caribbean.