Advanced Business Communication, Certificate

(Code 765-601)

The Advanced Business Communication Certificate is ideal for all students at UW-Eau Claire who want to develop the oral, written, and technology-mediated communication skills that today’s employers seek. Students write audience-focused business documents; develop oral communication skills required for giving presentations, leading meetings and roundtable discussions, and participating in interviews; and learn how to prepare for and participate in a job search.  

Certificate Requirements

Twelve semester credits in the following courses with a grade of B- or above:12 credits
BCOM 206Business Writing2
BCOM 207Business Presentations2
BCOM 306Advanced Business Writing2
BCOM 307Advanced Business Presentations2
BCOM 309Communicating in Workplace Relationships2
BCOM 310Theoretical Approaches to Business Communication2
BCOM 401Data Visualization for Business Communication2
BCOM 405Advanced Business Communication2
BCOM 490Internship in Business Communication1-3
BCOM 491Selected Topics in Business Communication1-3
BCOM 495Directed Studies1-3
BCOM 499Independent Study - Seniors1-3

College of Business students may petition to count up to 3 credits of a communication-intensive course in the College of Business in their major toward the 12 credits earned for the certificate. Students need to earn a grade of B- or better in the course to count toward the certificate. The petition must be approved by the Business Communication Program Director prior to taking the course.

Contact the Business Communication Department (Schneider 404) for more information.

Program Learning Outcomes

Students completing this program will be expected to meet the following learning outcomes:

  • Write common business documents (e.g., emails, memos, letters, reports, proposals, manuals, instructions), individually and in teams, using standard business document formats and organizational patterns (e.g., direct, indirect, persuasive).  
  • Model excellent oral communication skills—individually and in teams—in presentations, meetings, roundtable discussions, interviews, and interpersonal communication settings.  
  • Select appropriate technologies and software to create documents and presentations, present data, and facilitate meetings.