Unified Early Childhood (UEC)

UEC 220 Introduction to Inclusive Early Childhood Education (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SEIP 200

Introduction to history, philosophy, and legal foundation of ECE and early childhood special education and blended/inclusive early childhood education practices.

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

UEC 221 Leadership & Mentoring in Early Childhood 1 (1 cr)

Consent: Instructor Consent Required

Academic component for ECLIPSE, work-study, community service learning and child development grant. Participation in supervised field experiences (90 hours) serving children from high-risk populations. Focus is Early Childhood literacy and community resources.

Attributes: LE-I1 Integration, LE-R3 Civic and Environmental Issues, Service-Learning, Full 30 Hours

Repeat: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 2 credits

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 1

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

UEC 321 Observation and Informal Assessment of Young Children (2 crs)

Prerequisite: Grade of C or above in UEC 220. Limited to Special Education, Unified Early Childhood majors, admitted to the College of Education and Human Sciences.

Survey of observational and informal assessment strategies for documenting the developmental changes in young children. Developmental screening and eligibility determination, and planning and monitoring instruction/intervention are included.

Attributes: Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 2

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

UEC 322 Play and Sensory Pedagogy (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Grade of C or above in UEC 220. Limited to Special Education, Unified Early Childhood and Unified Special Education and Elementary Middle majors, admitted to College of Education and Human Sciences.

This course emphasizes play pedagogy and the importance of connecting the various components of play into teaching and learning in intentional/effective ways for all children to succeed and engage in/with their learning. Components of sensory processing for individuals and as part of classroom/environment design are investigated as well as the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework. These concepts are applied within teaching, the learning environment, and with other educational stakeholders. Topics include advocacy, creativity, risk-taking, culture, language, social engagement opportunities, behavior, observation, data collection, and child development within the context of play. Play theory and sensory integration are examined to expertly embed IEP/IFSP goals into the routines, environments, learning opportunities, and social interactions provided to children with disabilities.

Attributes: Undergraduate/Graduate Offering, Special Course Fee Required

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

UEC 421 Early Childhood Pre-Primary Methods (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Grade of C or above in SEIP 200, UEC 220. Grade of C or above in UEC 422 or concurrent enrollment. Limited to Special Education, Unified Early Childhood majors, admitted to the College of Education and Human Sciences.

•Dual-listed with UEC 621. Credit may not be earned in both courses.

Instructional and intervention methods for children three-to-six in inclusive settings. Developing/ maintaining healthy, safe, and engaging stands-based learning environments as well as nutrition, program administration, parent involvement, and supervision of classroom staff will be covered.

Attributes: Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

UEC 422 Pre-Primary Practicum (2 crs)

Prerequisite: Grade of C or above in SEIP 200, UEC 220. Grade of C or above in UEC 421 or concurrent enrollment. Limited to Special Education, Unified Early Childhood majors admitted to the College of Education and Human Sciences.

• Students are expected to spend a minimum of 4 hours per week in a pre-primary classroom. Dual-listed with UEC 622. Credit may not be earned in both courses.

Candidates will develop and teach teacher- and child-directed activities and lessons in an inclusive pre-primary classroom. They will also assist the classroom teacher in monitoring groups and setting up learning areas of the classroom.

Attributes: Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 1

Lab/Studio Hours: 2

UEC 424 Inclusive Numeracy and Math: 0-8 (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Grade of C or above in UEC 220. Limited to Special Education, Unified Early Childhood majors, admitted to the College of Education and Human Sciences.

•Dual-listed with UEC 624. Credit may not be earned in both courses

The developmental process of early numeracy birth throughout third grade mathematics instruction. Emphasis on the mathematical language and early numeracy; facilitating, scaffolding, nurturing, and igniting interest in numeracy and mathematical thinking in young children.

Attributes: Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

UEC 425 Integrated Curriculum and Inquiry (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Grade of C or above in UEC 220. Limited to Special Education, Unified Early Childhood majors, admitted to the College of Education and Human Sciences.

•Dual-listed with UEC 625. Credit may not be earned in both courses.

Integrated curriculum development and intentionally planning inquiry-based learning connected to the interests of young children. Active, standards-based science, numeracy/literacy, and social studies, promoting social relationships/oral language development, critical thinking and problem solving, in inclusive environments.

Attributes: Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

UEC 426 Infant and Toddler Intervention and Programming (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Grade of C or above in SEIP 200, UEC 220. Limited to Special Education, Unified Early Childhood majors, admitted to the College of Education and Human Sciences.

•Dual-listed with UEC 626. Credit may not be earned in both courses.

Infant and toddler early intervention and care with emphasis on Health/safety, nutrition and designing/evaluating effective activities/environments. Cultural competence, Child Find, IFSPs, OSEP accountability, primary provider support model, child care and Parents as Teachers will be addressed. Weekly Field Placement.

Attributes: Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 2.5

Lab/Studio Hours: .5

UEC 470 Student Teaching in Early Childhood (5 crs)

Prerequisite: Admission to professional semester and department approval. Minimum GPA of 2.75 in major and minimum total overall GPA of 2.75.

Consent: Department Consent Required

Student teaching in an early childhood education setting all day for nine weeks. There are two placements completed as part of the UEC student teaching semester.

Repeat: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 10 credits

Grading Basis: S/U Only Grade Basis

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

Practicum Hours: 5

UEC 472 Student Teaching in Early Childhood (3 crs)

Prerequisite: SPED 423, SPED 431; UEC 220, UEC 321, UEC 322, UEM 324, UEC 325, UEC 421, UEC 422, UEC 424, and UEC 425. Minimum GPA of 2.75 in major and minimum total overall GPA of 2.75.

Consent: Department Consent Required

• Admission to the professional semester and departmental approval is required. Must earn a B- or above in this course.

Student teaching in an early childhood education setting for candidates seeking to extend a certification.

Repeat: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

Practicum Hours: 3

UEC 475 Internship Teaching in Early Childhood (5-10 crs)

Prerequisite: SEIP 423 and SEIP 431; UEC 220, UEC 321, UEC 322, UEM 324, UEC 421, UEC 422, UEC 424, and UEC 425. Minimum GPA of 2.75 in major and minimum total overall GPA of 2.75.

Consent: Department Consent Required

• Admission to the professional semester and department approval is required.

The intern is a paid contractual member of a public school staff who spends an entire semester in a school system, including the opening and closing periods.

Attributes: Internship

Grading Basis: S/U Only Grade Basis

UEC 493 International Experience in Early Childhood (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Grade of C or above in UEC 220. Grade of C or above in UEM 324 or concurrent enrollment. Limited to Special Education, Unified Early Childhood majors, admitted to the College of Education and Human Sciences.

Consent: Instructor Consent Required

•Dual-listed with UEC 693. Credit may not be earned in both courses.

Candidates will assist/teach in an international early childhood classroom. Emphasis is on applying strategies for facilitating social interaction, literacy/numeracy, play, and communication between young children in the home language and English.

Attributes: Undergraduate/Graduate Offering

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 1

Lab/Studio Hours: 2

UEC 521 Observation and Informal Assessment of Young Children (2 crs)

Prerequisite: Grade of C or above in UEC 220. Limited to Special Education, Unified Early Childhood majors, admitted to the College of Education and Human Sciences.

• Dual-listed with UEC 321. Credit may not be earned in both courses.

Survey of observational and informal assessment strategies for documenting the developmental changes in young children. Developmental screening and eligibility determination, and planning and monitoring instruction/intervention are included.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 2

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

UEC 522 Play and Sensory Pedagogy (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Grade of C or above in UEC 220. Limited to Special Education, Unified Early Childhood majors, admitted to College of Education and Human Sciences.

• Dual-listed with UEC 322. Credit may not be earned in both courses.

This course emphasizes play pedagogy and the importance of connecting the various components of play into teaching and learning in intentional/effective ways for all children to succeed and engage in/with their learning. Components of sensory processing for individuals and as part of classroom/environment design are investigated as well as the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework. These concepts are applied within teaching, the learning environment, and with other educational stakeholders. Topics include advocacy, creativity, risk-taking, culture, language, social engagement opportunities, behavior, observation, data collection, and child development within the context of play. Play theory and sensory integration are examined to expertly embed IEP/IFSP goals into the routines, environments, learning opportunities, and social interactions provided to children with disabilities.

Attributes: Special Course Fee Required

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

UEC 525 Inclusion and Collaboration in Early Childhood (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Grade of B- or above in UEC 220 (formerly SPED 220). Limited to Special Education, Unified Early Childhood majors, admitted to College of Education and Human Sciences.

• Cross-listed with UEC 325. Credit may not be earned in both courses.

Exploration of communication skills, collaboration, co-teaching, itinerant, coaching and consultation models of ECSE and EI services. Working with paraprofessionals, therapists, families, and caregivers to adapt/modify curriculum and participation, as a team will be emphasized.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

UEC 621 Early Childhood Pre-Primary Methods (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Grade of C or above in SEIP 200, UEC 220. Grade of C or above in UEC 422 or concurrent enrollment. Limited to Special Education, Unified Early Childhood majors, admitted to the College of Education and Human Sciences.

• Dual-listed with UEC 421. Credit may not be earned in both courses.

Instructional and intervention methods for children three-to-six in inclusive settings. Developing/maintaining healthy, safe, and engaging standards-based learning environments as well as nutrition, program administration, parent involvement, and supervision of classroom staff will be covered.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

UEC 622 Pre-Primary Practicum (2 crs)

Prerequisite: Grade of C or above in SEIP 200, UEC 220. Grade of C or above in UEC 421 or concurrent enrollment. Limited to Special Education, Unified Early Childhood majors admitted to the College of Education and Human Sciences.

• Dual-listed with UEC 422. Credit may not be earned in both courses.

Candidates will develop and teach teacher- and child-directed activities and lessons in an inclusive pre-primary classroom. They will also assist the classroom teacher in monitoring groups and setting up learning areas of the classroom.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 1

Lab/Studio Hours: 2

UEC 624 Inclusive Numeracy and Math: 0-8 (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Grade of C or above in UEC 220. Limited to Special Education, Unified Early Childhood majors, admitted to the College of Education and Human Sciences.

• Dual-listed with UEC 424. Credit may not be earned in both courses.

The developmental process of early numeracy birth throughout third grade mathematics instruction. Emphasis on the mathematical language and early numeracy; facilitating, scaffolding, nurturing, and igniting interest in numeracy and mathematical thinking in young children.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

UEC 625 Integrated Curriculum and Inquiry (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Grade of C or above in UEC 220. Limited to Special Education, Unified Early Childhood majors, admitted to the College of Education and Human Sciences.

• Dual-listed with UEC 425. Credit may not be earned in both courses.

Integrated curriculum development and intentionally planning inquiry-based learning connected to the interests of young children. Active, standards-based science, numeracy/literacy, and social studies, promoting social relationships/oral language development, critical thinking and problem solving, in inclusive environments.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

UEC 626 Infant and Toddler Intervention and Programming (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Grade of C or above in SEIP 200, UEC 220. Limited to Special Education, Unified Early Childhood majors, admitted to the College of Education and Human Sciences.

• Dual-listed with UEC 426. Credit may not be earned in both courses.

Infant and toddler early intervention and care with emphasis on Health/safety, nutrition and designing/evaluating effective activities/environments. Cultural competence, Child Find, IFSPs, OSEP accountability, primary provider support model, child care and Parents as Teachers will be addressed. Weekly Field Placement.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 2.5

Lab/Studio Hours: .5

UEC 693 International Experience in Early Childhood (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Grade of C or above in UEC 220. Grade of C or above in UEM 324 or concurrent enrollment. Limited to Special Education, Unified Early Childhood majors, admitted to the College of Education and Human Sciences.

Consent: Instructor Consent Required

• Dual-listed with UEC 493. Credit may not be earned in both courses.

Candidates will assist/teach in an international early childhood classroom. Emphasis is on applying strategies for facilitating social interaction, literacy/numeracy, play, and communication between young children in the home language and English.

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 1

Lab/Studio Hours: 2