Professional Development - Master of Education - Professional Development

(Code 949-807)

This program is designed for educators interested in enhancing their professional competencies in the areas of curriculum development and design; instructional strategies and technology; assessment strategies and data-based decision making; leadership development; equity, diversity, and inclusion; and research design and development. The MEPD also provides opportunities to connect with educators across disciplines, grade levels, and geographic regions.

In addition to meeting the general requirements for admission to the graduate school, applicants to the program must provide:

  1. documented commitment to teaching or education-related profession (teaching certification, statement from supervisor, or equivalent);
  2. a minimum of two years teaching experience or equivalent prior to being accepted to program;
  3. a résumé of career-related experiences;
  4. a statement of professional aspirations and related needs; and
  5. a proposed program of study, including a statement of purposes or goals reflecting needs and courses planned to achieve the purposes.

The program is offered by the Department of Education for Equity and Justice with assistance from other departments offering graduate study. Participants are assigned an advisor and a committee of at least two other graduate faculty members to assist in planning and carrying out the program of study. The purpose of the advising procedure is to devise a professional development program that aligns with the individual’s particular aspirations and professional goals. 

Requirements of the program include ES 788. The remainder of the 30 required minimum credits are to be selected from courses in the College of Education and Human Sciences and departments in other colleges offering supportive graduate courses, with a maximum of 12 credits in one teaching content specialty and a maximum of nine credits in Independent Study. At least one-half of the credits in the program must be in graduate only courses (700-level courses). Alternatives of research paper, thesis, or equivalent credits in courses are available. The final project for all candidates is a choice of one of the following options:

  1. a standard written comprehensive examination,
  2. a take-home written comprehensive examination,
  3. a portfolio, or
  4. a scholarly paper/research paper or thesis.

For all candidates, an oral examination must be successfully passed prior to graduation.

Program Learning Outcomes

Students completing this program will be expected to meet the following learning outcomes: 

  • Enhance competency in curriculum development and design
  • Discover, evaluate, and apply new instructional strategies, learning technologies, and assessments
  • Explore approaches that promote equity, diversity, and inclusion
  • Formulate, design, and communicate results from a practice-based research project