School Psychology - Education Specialist

(Code 442-805)

The School Psychology program is a three-year sequence of training which leads to the Ed.S. degree and license to practice school psychology in the public schools. School psychologists apply expertise in mental health, learning, and behavior to help children and youth succeed academically, socially, behaviorally, and emotionally.  To meet these goals, the training of school psychologists is quite extensive. Training includes preparation in data-based decision-making; collaboration and consultation; student-level and system-level educational and mental health services; family partnerships; ethics, law and legal issues; research and program evaluation; and culturally competent practice. While employment in the public schools is the primary focus of this training program, some graduates have sought employment in institutional settings, behavioral health clinics, post-high school educational settings, or pursued study at the doctoral level.

As undergraduates, applicants to the school psychology program are encouraged to complete the following courses: statistics, behavior modification, developmental psychology, and research methods. Although a psychology major is strong preparation for the school psychology program, other majors (e.g., education, communication sciences and disorders, social work) are also considered for admission. 

Applicants must submit an application, three letters of reference, a written personal statement, and complete undergraduate transcripts of coursework. Full admission to the program requires the completion of a criminal background check.

The Ed.S. Degree Phase, consisting of 37 graduate credits, provides the student with additional background in applied research, education foundations and methods, and advanced practica in the delivery of school psychological services.  Students are placed in the public schools and in the on-campus interdisciplinary clinic.  They also complete an immersion experience in a diverse educational setting.  Students must register for and pass the National Association of School Psychologists Praxis II Examination.  This examination is usually taken during the second semester of the second year.  Upon passing the Praxis II examination and successful completion of all requirements during the first two years of the program, except the capstone or thesis, students are eligible to enroll in PSYC 787 Internship in School Psychology.

The internship is the capstone of the school psychology training program: it provides a placement, usually salaried, in a full-time (minimum of 1,200 hours) supervised, professional work experience. The Ed.S. degree is conferred upon successful completion of all program requirements, including the internship and either an Education Specialist capstone or Education Specialist thesis. Upon conferral of the Ed.S. degree, students are eligible to apply for national certification in school psychology (NCSP).

Ed.S. School Psychology Degree

PSYC 566Statistical Methods in Psychology II3
PSYC 725Counseling I3
PSYC 784Equitable, Diverse and Inclusive Practices in Schools (1 cr + 1 cr)2
PSYC 785Practicum: School Psychology3
PSYC 786Practicum: Clinical Settings (2 crs + 3 crs)5
PSYC 787Internship in School Psychology (3 crs + 3 crs)6
PSYC 796Evidence-based Intervention in School Psychology3
PSYC 799Thesis (with oral defense ) 13
Education Specialist Capstone (with oral defense) 1
The following courses from Education Studies courses are required:
ES 585Social Foundations: Human Relations3
ES 690Historical, Legal, and Philosophical Foundations of Education3
An additional 3 credits from the following options are also required:3
Introduction to Mild Disabilities
Collaboration for Student Success
Middle Grades Literacy and Assessment
Total Credits for Ed.S. Degree37

 A maximum of 3 credits of PSYC 799 or PSYC 727 can be used to count toward the 37 required credits.

Program Learning Outcomes

Students completing this program will be expected to meet the following learning outcomes: 

  • To prepare specialist level school psychologists who incorporate data-based decision making in all aspects of practice. 
  • To prepare specialist level school psychologists who are effective, collaborative problem solvers.
  • To prepare specialist level school psychologists with foundational professional knowledge in psychology and education.
  • To prepare specialist level school psychologists who understand, consider, and respect human diversity in all aspects of service delivery. 
  • To prepare specialist level school psychologists to provide services consistent with professional, ethical and legal standards. 
  • To prepare specialist level school psychologists who engage in reflective professional practice.
  • To prepare specialist level school psychologists who demonstrate a positive impact on the academic, cognitive, social, emotional, behavioral, and adaptive functioning of students.