Interdisciplinary Linguistics, Minor

Liberal Arts (Code 570-402)

For advising, contact the English Department.

The ability to communicate through language is a fundamental part of being human.  What is the nature of human language? Where did it come from? How is it acquired?  Researchers from fields spanning the university have attempted to answer these questions, applying the perspectives of the humanities such as languages and philosophy, the social sciences such as anthropology, psychology, and sociology, and even the natural sciences such as computer science and neuroscience. Students in the Interdisciplinary Linguistics minor will investigate the structure, acquisition, and social functions of human language by drawing on the theories and methodologies of multiple disciplines.

Twenty-four semester credits, including at least 12 credits at the 300 level or higher, as follows:
Core Courses - 9 credits from the following:
Language in Culture and Society
Phonetics: Theory and Application
Introductory English Linguistics
Topics in the Structure of English
Topics in Language in Society
Elective Courses - 15 credits from the following:
Additional core courses may be taken as electives. ENGL 321 and ENGL 325 may be taken a second time with a different topic. Electives may also be chosen from the following:
Gender, Race, Class, and Communication: The Social Construction of Identity
Intercultural Communication
Normal Communication Development
American Sign Language Semantics
American Sign Language Linguistics
Computing for the Sciences and Mathematics
Busting Language Myths
Seminar in Linguistic Research
Second Language Acquisition Theory
Environmental and Linguistic Diversity
The German Sound System
Structure of German in Contrast
Symbolic Logic
Philosophy of Language
Phonetics and Pronunciation
Survey of Hispanic Linguistics
Spanish Sociolinguistics in the United States/Latin America
Seminar in Hispanic Linguistics Research
Elementary or intermediate language courses, including American Sign Language: maximum 4 credits per language and 8 credits total.

Note:  A maximum 12 credits counted in the major can be counted in the minor.  Students may not pair an English Linguistics major with the minor.

Program Learning Outcomes   

Students completing this program will be expected to meet the following learning outcomes:

  • Analyze linguistic data to form and test hypotheses in one or more of the following areas of linguistic structure: Sounds (phonology), Words (morphology), Sentences (syntax), Meanings (semantics).
  • Apply knowledge of linguistics (broadly defined) to issues relating to the use of language.
  • Plan, conduct, and document linguistic (broadly defined) research using appropriate sources.