Multimedia Communication, Minor

Liberal Arts (Code 608-400)

Advisors: K. Knutson (Communication and Journalism), G. Vadhavkar (Communication and Journalism).

The ability to develop ideas and present them through a variety of media is indispensable in our communication-rich society. The interdisciplinary minor in Multimedia Communication prepares students to analyze audiences, frame arguments, express themselves clearly in the written and spoken word, understand basic principles of visual design, gather and edit audio and video, and use web-based software to publish their work. Students take courses from the domains of visual communication (Art, Communication & Journalism), written communication (Communication & Journalism, English) and computer programming (Computer Science). The minor is suitable for students who would benefit from the ability to communicate information from their disciplines to a variety of audiences.

Note:  Courses counted in the core cannot be used to fulfill requirements in elective credit domains. Because the minor is designed to broaden students’ knowledge and skills in multimedia communication no more than nine credits in the prefix of a student’s major may be counted toward the minor.

Twenty-four semester credits, including:
Required Core Courses
ART 312Design Across the Disciplines3
CJ 184Multimedia Communication3
CS 318Fundamentals of Web Page Design3
Three credits from one of the following:3
Introduction to Creative Writing
Editing and Publications Management
Science Writing
Technical Writing
Cultural Rhetorics
Elective Courses12
No more than six credits of electives may be taken in any one prefix. An English course counted in the core cannot be used to fulfill an elective requirement. Computer Science majors may not select CS 319 to meet any minor requirement.
Foundations: Digital Frameworks
3-D Computer Modeling
Introduction to Photography as an Art Form
Graphic Design: Concepts and Experimentation
User Experience and Web Design
Identity Development and Design
3-D Computer Animation I
Animation Programming
Intermediate Photography: Darkroom
Video for Art and Design
Beginning Journalism
Audio and Video Production Process
Introduction to Photography
Writing for Integrated Strategic Communication
Visual Communication Design
Introduction to Web Programming
Web Database Design and Implementation
Introduction to Creative Writing
Editing and Publications Management
Intermediate Poetry Writing
Intermediate Fiction/Nonfiction Writing
Science Writing
Technical Writing
Cultural Rhetorics
Visual Rhetorics of Science, Technology, and Culture
Grant Proposal Writing

Program Learning Outcomes  

Students completing this program will be expected to meet the following learning outcomes:

  • Communicate ideas through a variety of media.
  • Demonstrate technical skills needed for communication in multiple media.
  • Craft written messages adapted to audience and purpose, and appropriate for use in multimedia materials.
  • Craft visual strategies adapted to audience and purpose, and appropriate for use in multimedia materials. 
  • Make programming choices that are adapted to audience and purpose.