Recording Arts, Certificate

(Code 061-601)

The interdisciplinary curriculum of the Recording Arts Certificate addresses diverse interests in both sound and technology.  It offers a foundation in musicianship, design, and recording technology, and opportunities for students to pursue specific interests in areas of composition, design, music history, physics of sound or business.  The program includes required and elective courses, and at least one internship.  Applications are available through the Department of Music and Theatre Arts.  Acceptance into the program may be limited due to available resources, internships, and needs of the program.

Eighteen semester credits, including:
MUSI 309Electronic Music 12
MUSI 317Sound Technology Principles3
MUSI 498Music Internship3
Electives to be selected from the following:
Essentials of Marketing
Legal and Regulatory Environment
Introduction to Accounting
Audio and Video Production Process
Mathematics and Music
Digital Signal Processing
Fundamentals of Music
Music Theory Fundamentals
Beginning Composition
Topics in Sound Recording 2
Global Traditions in Music
Science of Musical Sound
Light/Sound Shop Practicum
Advanced Light/Sound Shop Practicum
Introduction to Design

In semesters when MUSI 309 is not offered, students may take MUSI 217 to fulfill this requirement.


MUSI 217 may not be used to fulfill both requirements and electives.

Note: A maximum of three credits from the certificate can count to the major. 

Program Learning Outcomes

Students completing this program will be expected to meet the following learning outcomes:

  • Record sound with diverse variables, including both live and studio contexts.
  • Mix and edit sound with digital recording software.
  • Explain basic principles of acoustics and sound.