Entrepreneurship, Minor

Minor Requirements

(Code 820-402)

Twenty-seven semester credits, as follows:

Required Courses:
Major/Minor Combination 1
ACCT 201Introduction to Accounting3
ECON 103Principles of Microeconomics3
or ECON 104 Principles of Macroeconomics
IS 240Information Systems in Business3
BLAW 305Legal and Regulatory Environment3
or BLAW 306 Business Law
ENT 200Creativity and the Entrepreneurial Mindset3
ENT 371Introduction to Entrepreneurship3
ENT 373New Venture Feasibility3
ENT 374New Venture Start-Up and Growth3
ENT 471Entrepreneurship Capstone3
Total Credits27

The Entrepreneurship minor will not count as a secondary program when combined with the standard Business Administration major. This minor can count as a secondary program when combined with other COB majors. Please see the list of approved major/minor combinations that satisfy university academic concentration requirements.

Program Learning Outcomes 

Students completing this program will be expected to meet the following learning outcomes:

  • Identify and assess entrepreneurial opportunities.
  • Apply current startup methodology to determine entrepreneurial venture feasibility.