Grades K-12

Program Options B and C

These program options are organized around content majors and education courses and are designed to prepare teachers for 4-12 teaching or for K-12 teaching in selected areas. Each program requires the student to complete:

  1. a comprehensive major (at least 60 credits) or a standard major (at least 36 credits) plus one of the following: another standard major (at least 36 credits), or a minor (at least 24 credits), or a certificate (12-18 credits). Students choosing another major or minor may choose from the approved majors and minors listed in the table below. The approved majors and minors lead to additional certification.
  2. a professional sequence consisting of teaching methods and related courses.
  3. ES 212, ES 313, and ES 314 with a minimum grade of C (not C-) in each course. Student must also earn a C or better in the prescribed methods courses for their major. See list of prescribed methods courses below.

Students are assigned an education academic advisor and a faculty advisor through the content major department.

Option C: Grades K-12

Grades K-12 Licensure

Professional Sequence
ES 212Exploring Schooling K-122-3
ES 313Curriculum, Instructional Methods, and Disciplinary Literacies in Grades K-123
ES 314Collaboration, Engagement, and Assessment in Grades K-123
ES 385Social Foundations: Human Relations3
ES 490Historical, Legal, and Philosophical Foundations of Education3
ES 497Field Experience Seminar2
SEIP 300Inclusive Practices for Secondary Educators3
Prescribed special methods course(s) (see approved majors and minors below)
Student Teaching Courses from list below:
ES 441Student Teaching in Elementary Education5
ES 445Student Teaching in Middle Level Education5
or ES 470 Student Teaching in Secondary Education
ES 440Internship Teaching in Elementary Education5-10
ES 446Internship Teaching in Middle Level Education5-10
ES 475Internship Teaching in Secondary Education5-10

NOTE 1: SEIP 300 (not required of Kinesiology or Music majors).

NOTE 2: ES 441 is not required for Foreign Language majors and minors in the student teaching semester as an earlier elementary level field placement (required by DPI) occurs in ES 437.

NOTE 3: Music Education majors take MUED 318  and MUED 487 or MUED 488 instead of ES 441 and one of ES 445 or ES 470, or ES 440, or ES 446, or ES 475.

Approved Majors and Minors for Option C

(Students must earn a minimum grade of C or above in prescribed methods courses.)

Comprehensive Majors Code Prescribed Methods Course Additional Requirement Praxis II or ACTFL Content Test Required
Music, Instrumental/General 062-000 MUED 211, MUED 300, MUED 310, MUED 318, MUED 411 See department for ETS exam number
Music, Choral/General 062-001 MUED 211, MUED 300, MUED 310, MUED 318, MUED 410 See department for ETS exam number
Physical Education 992-001 KINS 290 See department for ETS exam number
Spanish-TESOL 320-000 ES 366 (F) and ES 437 (Sp) Study abroad in language WPT and OPI or OPIc
Majors Code Prescribed Methods Course Additional Requirement Praxis II ACTFL Content Test Required
French 261-201 ES 366 (F) and ES 437 (Sp) Study abroad in language WPT and OPI or OPIc
Spanish 321-200 ES 366 (F) and ES 437 (Sp) Study abroad in language WPT and OPI or OPIc
Minors Code Prescribed Methods Course Additional Requirement Praxis II ACTFL Content TEst Required
Adaptive Physical Education 991-459 Only with KINS major No addt'l exam
French 260-406 ES 366 (F) and ES 437 (Sp) Only with F Lg major WPT and OPI or OPIc
Spanish 320-407 ES 366 (F) and ES 437 (Sp) Only with F Lg major WPT and OPI or OPIc
TESOL 550-410 ES 405 (F) Only with F Lg major See department for ETS exam number

NOTE: Students completing a K-12 comprehensive major or standard major may complete an additional major or minor with licensure at the K-12 level from the list under Option C above.