Managment and Leadership Programs

Management and Leadership Programs Faculty

Kristy Lauver, Chair

Management Faculty
Cole Crider
Longzhu Dong
Melissa Emerson
Daniel Gullifor
Robert Heintz
Scott Lester
Brent Opall
Derek Stotler
Joshua Wilson
Rebecca Wyland
Xiaoyu (Shawn) Yang

Health Care Administration Faculty
Jennifer Johs-Artisensi
Lindsey Creapeau
Frances Hawes
Natalie McMurray

Business Law (BLAW)

BLAW 305 Legal and Regulatory Environment (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Completion of 54 credits

This course considers legal and ethical issues affecting American business. Students will learn to recognize, prevent, and manage related risks in the legal and regulatory environment in which businesses operate. Students are introduced to the U.S. court system, alternative dispute resolution techniques, and administrative law. Sustainability of business practices, social responsibility, and rights and duties are emphasized through discussion of topics such as environmental law, employment discrimination, torts, agency principles, and related constitutional law principles.

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

BLAW 306 Business Law (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Minimum junior standing.

BLAW 305 is recommended prior to enrollment in this course.

Law of contracts, sales, negotiable instruments, secured transactions, suretyship, bankruptcy, accountant's legal liability, personal property, bailments and documents of title, real estate, wills, trusts, and insurance.

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

BLAW 315 International Business Law (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Minimum junior standing.

A study of private and public law as it affects U.S. companies dealing in international business.

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

Entrepreneurship (ENT)

ENT 200 Creativity and the Entrepreneurial Mindset (3 crs)

Students will explore the minds of entrepreneurs by participating in experiential learning activities aimed at enhancing their creativity and understanding the cognitive processes essential to the entrepreneurial mindset.

Attributes: LE-S3 Creativity

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

ENT 371 Introduction to Entrepreneurship (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Minimum 48 credits completed. Limited to students who have declared an Entrepreneurship major, minor, or certificate.

•Formerly offered as MGMT 371.

Students explore entrepreneurship by learning and utilizing a business model framework to guide their exploration and discovery process, toward the creation of a successful startup.

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

ENT 373 New Venture Feasibility (3 crs)

Prerequisite: ENT 371 or concurrent enrollment

• Formerly offered as MGMT 373. This course requires access to a laptop computer which can be brought to class when required. Please see the COB laptop requirement:

Students apply market research techniques to refine their business ideas and evaluate market feasibility. Students learn how to conduct operational and financial analyses in the design of a feasible business model.

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

ENT 374 New Venture Start-Up and Growth (3 crs)

Prerequisite: ENT 371, ENT 373.

• Formerly offered as MGMT 374. This course requires access to a laptop computer which can be brought to class when required. Please see the COB laptop requirement:

Students learn how to launch a new product and explore the range of functional details involved in a new venture start-up. Strategies for growing the business and challenges in management growth are addressed.

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

ENT 398 Internship Program (1-3 crs)

Prerequisite: Pre-req or concurrent enrollment in MGMT 340 or MKTG 330 or Fin 320 or ENT 371. Minimum junior standing.

Consent: Department Consent Required

•Acceptance in Internship Program. See description under College of Business. A maximum of three credits of internship courses may be applied to the 120-credit graduation requirement. Students must have the service -learning option approved prior to starting the internship.

Students will participate in work experiences related to their area of interest.

Attributes: LE-I1 Integration, Service-Learning Optional

Repeat: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 3 credits

ENT 471 Entrepreneurship Capstone (3 crs)

Prerequisite: ENT 371 with C- or above; ENT 373; ENT 374 or concurrent enrollment.

• Formerly offered as MGMT 471. This course requires access to a laptop computer which can be brought to class when required. Please see the COB laptop requirement:

Students will learn and demonstrate how to skillfully prepare, refine, and communicate their business idea in an entrepreneurial environment. They will learn about financing options considered by startup founders. They will deliver their business plan in a formal, end-of- semester presentation to a panel of business professionals.

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

ENT 491 Topics in Entrepreneurship (1-3 crs)

Prerequisite: Minimum Junior Standing.

• Course may be repeated when topic differs.

Current issues in entrepreneurship will be the focus of attention. Topic selection will be made by the instructor. Issues will be those facing contemporary entrepreneurship professionals.

Repeat: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits

Healthcare Administration (HCAD)

HCAD 101 Introduction to Health Care Administration (1 cr)

Prerequisite: Maximum class juniors. Not available for seniors.

Survey of the field of health and aging services and the functions of various administrative roles. Provides experiences upon which to base decisions about health services administration as a career.

Attributes: Field Trip(s) Required

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 1

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

HCAD 201 Overview of the U.S. Health Care System (3 crs)

A multidisciplinary course addressing issues that affect policy and delivery systems in health care. The course seeks to orient the student to the spectrum of issues and the dynamics of the U.S. health care system.

Attributes: LE-R3 Civic and Environmental Issues

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

HCAD 222 Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Aging (3 crs)

This course presents a multidisciplinary overview of critical issues related to aging. Research and theory supplement an exploration of issues and career opportunities in gerontology, from both research and service provider orientations.

Attributes: GE V University Wide, LE-R3 Civic and Environmental Issues, Field Trip(s) Required

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

HCAD 291 Special Topics (1-3 crs)

Consent: Instructor Consent Required

A variable content course consisting of topics of special interest to students and faculty that are not covered in other health care administration courses.

Repeat: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 1-3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

HCAD 299 Independent Study (1-3 crs)

Consent: Department Consent Required

Independent study projects under the direction of a faculty member.

Repeat: Course may be repeated

HCAD 301 Foundations of Quality Management in Health Service (3 crs)

Prerequisite: HCAD 101 and HCAD 201. Health Care Administration majors only.

• HCAD undergraduate students in their last fall on campus are eligible to enroll. Special course fee for criminal background check required of all HCAD practicum students.

An exploration of the technical, managerial and organizational issues that are important in understanding and implementing quality management systems in health service organizations.

Attributes: Field Trip(s) Required, Special Course Fee Required

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

HCAD 302 Leadership and Management Practices in Health Services (3 crs)

Prerequisite: HCAD 101. HCAD 301. Limited to health care administration or environmental public health majors.

• HCAD undergraduate students in their last spring on campus or ENPH junior status or above undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to enroll.

An exploration of necessary administrative skills of health services leadership including: strategic planning; quality management; financial management; human resources management; government relations; marketing; and the ability to apply these concepts within a health system.

Attributes: Field Trip(s) Required

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

HCAD 375 Health Care Reimbursement and Financial Management (3 crs)

Prerequisite: ACCT 201 OR ACCT 202; ECON 103, 104, HCAD 301, IS 240. Limited to health care administration majors.

Students will learn financial decision making techniques: i.e., planning, control, budgeting, time value of money, etc., used to meet a health care organization's goals and objectives to provide ongoing and quality services for its clientele.

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

HCAD 400 Administrative Residency I (3 crs)

Prerequisite: HCAD 301 and HCAD 302. HCAD 420 concurrent enrollment. Limited to HCAD majors.

• This course has a special course fee for practice certification and assessment exams.

The student undertakes prescribed activities and rotations with defined experiences and learning goals to develop a basic understanding of operational, regulatory, and environmental stands of resident service departments and functions.

Attributes: Service-Learning, Full 30 Hours, Internship, Special Course Fee Required

Grading Basis: S/U Only Grade Basis

Practicum Hours: 3 credit hours; approximately 40 hours per week in the field

HCAD 401 Administrative Residency II (6 crs)

Prerequisite: HCAD 400. HCAD 403, HCAD 404, HCAD 405 and HCAD 421 concurrent enrollment. Limited to HCAD majors.

• Limited to HCAD majors in the administrative residency year. This course requires access to a laptop computer which can be brought to class when required. Please see the COB laptop requirement:

Building on previous skills, the student continues participation in prescribed activities and rotations with defined experiences and learning goals to further understanding of operational, regulatory, and environmental standards of resident service departments and functions.

Attributes: Service-Learning, Full 30 Hours, Internship

Grading Basis: S/U Only Grade Basis

Practicum Hours: 6 credit hours; approximately 40 hours per week in the field

HCAD 402 Administrative Residency III (6 crs)

Prerequisite: HCAD 401 and HCAD 413. Concurrent enrollment HCAD 406, HCAD 407, HCAD 408, HCAD 422. Limited to HCAD majors.

• Limited to HCAD majors in the practicum year.

Building on previous skills, the student continues participation in prescribed activities and rotations with defined experiences and learning goals to achieve competency in required operational, regulatory, and environmental standards of resident service departments and functions.

Attributes: LE-I1 Integration, Service-Learning, Full 30 Hours, Internship, Special Course Fee Required

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Practicum Hours: 6 credit hours; approximately 40 hours per week in the field

HCAD 403 Resident Service and Supports in Health Care (1 cr)

Prerequisite: HCAD 401 concurrent enrollment. Limited to HCAD majors.

• Limited to HCAD majors in the practicum year. This is an online course and requires access to a computer and the internet while completing the practicum.

Exposes the student to the responsibility of administration to translate concepts of patient care into policies and procedures, which ultimately impacts the quality of care and service.

Attributes: HCAD Program Fee, Special Course Fee Required

HCAD 404 Quality Management Applications in Health Care (1 cr)

Prerequisite: HCAD 401 concurrent enrollment. Limited to HCAD majors.

• Limited to HCAD majors in the administrative residency year. This is an online course and requires access to a computer and the internet while completing the residency.

Students gain an awareness of quality management principles and practices in health care settings and learn how to use various quality tools for effective problem identification and solving.

Attributes: HCAD Program Fee, Special Course Fee Required

HCAD 405 Human Resources Management in Health Services (1 cr)

Prerequisite: HCAD 401 concurrent enrollment. Limited to HCAD majors.

• Limited to HCAD majors in the administrative residency year. This is an online course and requires access to a computer and the internet while completing the residency.

Students learn the basic goals and principles of human resources, understand the driving forces of human resource outcomes, and gain an awareness for the application of human resources practices in health care today.

Attributes: HCAD Program Fee, Special Course Fee Required

HCAD 406 Data Driven Health Care Decision Making (1 cr)

Prerequisite: HCAD 402 concurrent enrollment. Limited to HCAD majors.

• Limited to HCAD majors in the practicum year. This is an online course and requires access to a computer and the internet while completing the practicum.

Students develop an understanding of how to identify, prioritize, and use data and information to help them strategically manage a health and aging services organization.

Attributes: HCAD Program Fee, Special Course Fee Required

HCAD 407 Financial Management in Health Care (1 cr)

Prerequisite: Co-requisite HCAD 402. Limited to HCAD majors.

• Limited to HCAD majors in the practicum year. This is an online course and requires access to a computer and the internet while completing the practicum.

Students apply the basic and overall principles of financial management to the operation of a health and aging services organization, and learn the key areas of budgeting and reimbursement.

Attributes: HCAD Program Fee, Special Course Fee Required

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 1

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

HCAD 408 Marketing and Public Relations in Health Services (1 cr)

Prerequisite: HCAD 402 concurrent enrollment. Limited to HCAD majors.

• This is an online course and requires access to a computer and the internet while completing the administrative residency. Please see the COB laptop requirement:

Students are exposed to the basic goals and principles of an effective marketing and public relations program in health care and participate in the application of a variety of marketing strategies.

Attributes: HCAD Program Fee, Special Course Fee Required

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 1

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

HCAD 411 Cultural Competency and Globalization (1 cr)

Prerequisite: HCAD 301 and HCAD 302. Limited to HCAD majors.

• Limited to HCAD majors in the practicum year. This is an online course and requires access to a computer and the internet while completing the practicum.

Students develop cultural competency in providing health services to people of diverse backgrounds and effectively managing a diverse workforce, as well as gain an understanding of immigration issues and the globalization of healthcare.

Attributes: Cultural Diversity 1 cr., HCAD Program Fee

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 1

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

HCAD 412 Professional Ethics and Advocacy (1 cr)

Prerequisite: HCAD 301 and HCAD 302. Limited to HCAD majors.

• Limited to HCAD majors in the practicum year. This is an online course and requires access to a computer and the internet while completing the practicum.

Students will develop an understanding of professional standards for health care administrators. They will also learn how to use political advocacy to affect policy change so they can better serve the population's health care needs.

Attributes: HCAD Program Fee

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 1

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

HCAD 413 Health Care Rules and Regulations (1 cr)

Prerequisite: HCAD 401. Limited to HCAD majors.

• This is an online course and requires access to a computer and the internet while completing the administrative residency. Please see the COB laptop requirement:

Students develop an understanding of the current laws, rules and regulations that impact long-term care organizations. Students will learn strategies for proactively managing an organization within the context of a regulatory environment.

Attributes: HCAD Program Fee, Special Course Fee Required

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 1

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

HCAD 420 Health Care Management Competencies (3 crs)

Prerequisite: HCAD 301 and HCAD 302. HCAD 400 concurrent enrollment. Limited to HCAD majors.

• Limited to HCAD majors in the administrative residency year. This is an online course and requires access to a computer and the internet while completing the residency.

This course will examine in-depth management competencies necessary to successfully operate a health care organization. Students will also gain an understanding of the necessary professional functions and skills to successfully serve in an administrative role in a health care organization.

Attributes: HCAD Program Fee, Special Course Fee Required

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

HCAD 421 Leadership and Prof Development in Health Services (3 crs)

Prerequisite: HCAD 420. HCAD 401 concurrent enrollment. Limited to HCAD majors.

• Limited to HCAD majors in the administrative residency year. This is an online course and requires access to a computer and the internet while completing the residency.

The initial focus is on the practice of personal self-examination, including the development of strengths and the awareness of limitations. Students will explore their own level of ability in each of these critical areas of management and begin to focus on their own enhanced management proficiency.

Attributes: HCAD Program Fee

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

HCAD 422 Organizational Leadership Practices in Health Care (3 crs)

Prerequisite: HCAD 421. HCAD 402 concurrent enrollment. Limited to HCAD majors.

• Limited to HCAD majors in the practicum year. This is an online course and requires access to a computer and the internet while completing the practicum.

Emphasis is on the development and execution of the key strategic leadership practices required of organizational leaders. Students will practice their leadership expertise with selected projects. Additionally, they will learn from their shared experiences with their practicum cohort.

Attributes: LE-I1 Integration, LE-S3 Creativity, HCAD Program Fee, Special Course Fee Required

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

HCAD 491 Special Topics (1-3 crs)

Consent: Instructor Consent Required

A variable content course consisting of advanced topics of special interest to students and faculty that are not covered in other health care administration courses.

Repeat: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits

HCAD 495 Directed Studies (1-3 crs)

Consent: Instructor Consent Required

Permits groups of students to pursue a defined, organized study of a topic under the direction of a department of public health professions staff member.

Repeat: Course may be repeated

HCAD 499 Independent Study (1-3 crs)

Consent: Department Consent Required

Independent study projects under the direction of a faculty member.

Repeat: Course may be repeated

International Business (INTB)

INTB 361 International Experience in India (3 crs)

Prerequisite: ECON 103 or ECON 104. Total GPA 2.60 or higher

• Fifteen (15) hours of on-campus instruction required during the Fall semester prior to the Winterim study abroad. Students interested in taking this course need to contact the Management and Marketing Department and the Center for International Education before Sept. 15 in the Fall semester prior to the Winterim study abroad.

An interdisciplinary introduction to contemporary Indian business, culture, politics, history, religion and society that includes a three-week in-country experience.

Attributes: Foreign Culture, GE IIIG Social Science-Interdisciplinary Study, LE-R2 Global Perspectives, Undergraduate/Graduate Offering, Field Trip(s) Required, Special Course Fee Required Varies by Term/Section

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

INTB 362 International Experience in China (3 crs)

Prerequisite: ECON 103 or ECON 104. Total GPA 2.60 or higher

• Fifteen (15) hours of on-campus instruction required during the Spring semester prior to the Summer interim term study abroad. Students interested in taking this course should contact the Management and Marketing Department and the Center for International Education before Feb. 1 in the Spring semester prior to the Summer Interim study abroad.

An interdisciplinary introduction to contemporary Chinese business, culture, politics, history, religion and society that includes a three-week in-country experience.

Attributes: Foreign Culture, GE IIIG Social Science-Interdisciplinary Study, LE-R2 Global Perspectives, Undergraduate/Graduate Offering, Field Trip(s) Required, Special Course Fee Required Varies by Term/Section

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

INTB 363 International Experience in Thailand (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Econ 103 or 104 and 2.30 Total GPA.

• Fifteen (15) hours of on-campus instruction required during the Fall semester prior to the Winterim term study abroad. Students interested in taking this course should contact the Management and Leadership Programs Department and the Center for International Education before Sept 6 in the Fall semester prior to the Winterim study abroad.

An interdisciplinary introduction to contemporary Thailand business, culture, politics, history, religion and society that includes a three-week in-country experience. Students will learn through pre-departure and in-country curriculum the nuances of Thailand culture, business practices, communication styles and values.

Attributes: LE-I1 Integration, LE-R2 Global Perspectives, Field Trip(s) Required

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

INTB 398 International Business Internship Program (1-3 crs)

Prerequisite: Pre-req or concurrent enrollment in MGMT 345, or MKTG 335, or MGMT 447, or FIN 325, or OSCM 363. Minimum junior standing.

Consent: Department Consent Required

• Acceptance in Internship program is required. See description under College of Business. A maximum of three credits of internship courses may be applied to the 120-credit graduation requirement. Students must have the service-learning option approved prior to starting the internship.

Students will participate in work experiences related to their area of interest.

Attributes: LE-I1 Integration, Service-Learning Optional

Repeat: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 3 credits

INTB 491 Topics in International Business (1-3 crs)

Prerequisite: MGMT 340 and MKTG 330. Minimum junior standing.

• Course may be repeated when topic differs.

Current issues in international business will be the focus of attention. Topic selection will be made by the instructor. Issues will be those facing contemporary management professionals.

Repeat: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 99 credits

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

Management (MGMT)

MGMT 210 Service-Learning in Management (1 cr)

Students must complete 30 hours of volunteer service. Type of service must be approved by your faculty supervisor. A journal must be kept throughout the service-learning project documenting when, how long, and the type of activity. The service-learning project must be completed within one calendar year (preferably one semester). Assignments outstanding longer than this will be graded unsatisfactory.

Attributes: Service-Learning, Full 30 Hours

Grading Basis: S/U Only Grade Basis

MGMT 300 Personal Leadership Management (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Completion of 45 credits; MGMT 340 or concurrent enrollment

This contemporary leadership course utilizes theory, history, and trends to analyze the art of effective leadership. Students will participate in a number of activities designed to better understand and develop their own leadership capabilities.

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

MGMT 340 Organizational Behavior (3 crs)

Prerequisite: ECON 103 and ECON 104, ACCT 201 OR ACCT 202, IS 240, SPDP Workshops, and completion of 45 credits.

BCOM 206 and BCOM 207 are recommended prior to enrollment in this course.

Review of the theories and applications of behavioral science research in human organizations. Topics include: motivation, group dynamics, communication, leadership, conflict, and change.

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

MGMT 345 Managing Global Organizations (3 crs)

Prerequisite: MGMT 340. Minimum junior standing.

BCOM 206 and BCOM 207 are recommended prior to enrollment in this course.

Examines issues in managing international operations including strategies, joint ventures/strategic alliances, organizational design, culture, human resources, and labor issues in addition to political and legal constraints operating across regional trading areas.

Attributes: Foreign Culture

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

MGMT 347 Risk Management and Insurance (3 crs)

Prerequisite: ECON 103, ECON 104, IS 240, ACCT 201 OR ACCT 202. Minimum junior standing.

This course introduces fundamentals of risk management and insurance. It addresses personal/commercial insurance and risk management alternatives. Students acquire basic knowledge on protecting the assets of companies they work for and handling personal insurance.

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

MGMT 349 Human Resource Management (3 crs)

Prerequisite: ECON 103, 104; ACCT 201 or ACCT 202; BSAD 202 or MATH 246. MGMT 340 as co-requisite. Minimum junior standing.

MGMT 340 and BCOM 207 are recommended prior to enrollment in this course. MGMT 340 is at minimum a co-requisite.

Examines policies and practices relating to recruitment, selection, training and development, performance appraisal, reward systems, and employee relations. Strategic human resource planning, equal employment opportunity laws, and international human resource management issues are also addressed.

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

MGMT 364 Project Management (3 crs)

Prerequisite: IS 240, ACCT 201, Math 109, Junior Standing

• Students who took this course as BSAD 491: Project Management or BSAD 491: Project MGMT in a Virtual World should not take MGMT 364.

Course will provide information and skills to work successfully in a project environment and to accomplish project objectives. Course topics include: project management life cycle and process, identifying and selecting projects, developing project proposals, techniques for planning, scheduling, resource assignment, budgeting, and controlling project performance, project risks, and project communication and documentation.

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

MGMT 398 Internship Program I (1-3 crs)

Prerequisite: MGMT 340 or MGMT 349. Minimum junior standing.

Consent: Department Consent Required

• Acceptance in Internship Program. See description under College of Business. A maximum of three credits of BSAD 398, MGMT 398, and MKTG 398 may be applied to the 120-credit graduation requirement. Students must have the service-learning option approved prior to starting the Internship.

Students will participate in work experiences related to their area of interest.

Attributes: LE-I1 Integration, Service-Learning Optional, Internship, Special Course Fee Required

Repeat: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 3 credits

MGMT 399 Independent Study Projects (1-4 crs)

Prerequisite: Minimum junior standing.

Consent: Department Consent Required

Individual project under the direction of a faculty member.

Repeat: Course may be repeated

MGMT 414 Small Business Consulting (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Completion of these BUSCORE requirements: BCOM 206, BCOM 207, BLAW 305, FIN 320, MGMT 340, OSCM 341, MKTG 330. Minimum senior standing.

Consent: Instructor Consent Required

Involves the thorough analysis and review of actual small business clients submitted by the Small Business Administration under the Small Business Institute Program and making recommendations that will be beneficial to the client in operating the business.

Attributes: Service-Learning Optional

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

MGMT 444 Training, Developing, and Engaging Employees (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Junior Standing, MGMT 340, MGMT 349

• Previously offered under MGMT 491 in Spring 2024 as Managing Employees: Training, Development, and Engagement.

Training, developing, and engaging employees is highly important to organizations as human resources can provide them a true competitive advantage. This course will cover current training, development, and employee engagement topics using an integrated approach which implements needs assessment, ties with the organization’s strategy, and continually evaluates learning outcomes, and adjusts for effectiveness. Students will participate in activities, cover different methods and techniques, complete case studies, explore the impact of technology on training, and put together employee training and development programs.

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

MGMT 445 Compensation Theory and Administration (3 crs)

Prerequisite: BSAD 202 or MATH 246; BLAW 305, MGMT 340, 349

Study of theories, methods, and practices of compensation in organizations.

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

MGMT 446 Advanced Organizational Behavior (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Completion of these BUSCORE requirements: BCOM 206, BCOM 207, BLAW 305, FIN 320, OSCM 341, MKTG 330. MGMT 340 with C- or better. Minimum junior standing.

In-depth analysis and critique of current and provocative topics in organizational behavior in the contest of the modern organization with a focus on organizational effectiveness. Topics include citizenship behavior, work-family conflict, and change and development.

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

MGMT 447 Cross Cultural Leadership (3 crs)

Prerequisite: ACCT 201 or ACCT 202, BSAD 300, ECON 103, 104, IS 240, MGMT 340, MKTG 330; minimum junior standing

This course provides an in-depth introduction to effective global leadership practices and styles in the major cultural regions of the world as well as the underlying psychological, social, and cultural factors.

Attributes: Special Course Fee Required

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

MGMT 449 Strategic Management in a Global Business Environment (3 crs)

Prerequisite: ACCT 201 or ACCT 202, IS 240, BCOM 206, BCOM 207, BSAD 300, BLAW 305, FIN 320, MKTG 330, MGMT 340, OSCM 341. Minimum senior standing.

• On-campus sections of GLOBUS will have a course fee in order to purchase access to the GLOBUS online strategic management simulation. Due to timing of purchasing to receive codes, this course fee will not be able to be reimbursed on or after the first day of classes. This course requires access to a laptop computer which can be brought to class when required. Please see the COB laptop requirement:

This course is an integrative approach to the formulation and implementation of strategy within a global context. It is a capstone course drawing on the functional analytical tools, managerial concepts and techniques developed in previous business core curriculum. Instructional methods may include class readings, a simulation, case studies, instructor commentaries, and class discussions. Both group and individual assignments help students develop an integrative view of international business operations from a total enterprise perspective.

Attributes: LE-I1 Integration, Capstone Course, Special Course Fee Required Varies by Term/Section

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

MGMT 455 Industrial Relations (3 crs)

Prerequisite: MGMT 349 or concurrent enrollment. Completion of these BUSCORE requirements: BCOM 206, BCOM 207, BLAW 305, FIN 320, MGMT 340, OSCM 341, MKTG 330. Minimum junior standing.

Problems, hazards, and procedures which will be of assistance in establishing and maintaining good union-management relationships.

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

MGMT 459 Advanced Human Resource Management (3 crs)

Prerequisite: MGMT 349 with C- or better. BCOM 206, BCOM 207, BLAW 305, FIN 320, MGMT 340, OSCM 341, MKTG 330. Minimum junior standing. Must be a declared HR Major.

• This course requires access to a laptop computer which can be brought to class when required. Please see the COB laptop requirement:

Provides students the opportunity to study in-depth human resource topics of the nature of work, recruitment, selection, training and development, compensation, benefits, labor relations, and health and safety.

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

MGMT 481 Community Leadership (2 crs)

Prerequisite: Minimum Junior Standing. MGMT 300 and MGMT 340.

• Students who took the "Community Leadership" course under the previous MGMT 494 course number should not take MGMT 481.

An experiential course that helps students learn how to be an effective community leader. Student groups work on semester long projects with community organizations. Students gain experience in leadership roles and interact with community leaders.

Attributes: Service-Learning Optional

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 2

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

MGMT 482 Leadership and Ethics (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Minimum Junior Standing. MGMT 300.

• Students who took the "Leadership and Ethics" course under the previous MGMT 494 course number should not take MGMT 482.

This course will discuss the alternative perspectives of leadership, their intersection with ethics, and apply them to the emergent issues facing organizations today.

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

MGMT 483 Personal Leadership Style in the Workplace (1 cr)

Prerequisite: Junior standing. MGMT 300.

• Previously offered under MGMT 494 as Personal Leadership Development and Developing the Leader Within.

This course is designed to help bridge the gap between theory and application providing students guidance on how to deal with daily situations they may face as a manager. It will focus on strategies to build and maintain a team through effective communication, root cause analysis, healthy conflict resolution, and leadership. This class includes participation in the ropes course requiring heights and physical activity.

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 1

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

MGMT 491 Topics in Management (1-3 crs)

Prerequisite: MGMT 340. Minimum junior standing.

• Course may be repeated when topic differs.

Current issues in international business will be the focus of attention. Topic selection will be made by the instructor. Issues will be those facing contemporary management professionals.

Repeat: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 99 credits

Grading Basis: A-F Grades Only

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

MGMT 492 Topics in Human Resource Management (1-3 crs)

Prerequisite: MGMT 349. Additional prerequisites may be required depending on the topic. (See current Class Schedule.) Minimum junior standing.

• Additional prerequisites may be required depending on the topic. (See current Class Schedule.)

Current issues in human resource management will be the focus of attention. Topic selection will be made by the instructor. Issues will be those facing contemporary HRM professionals.

Repeat: Course may be repeated

MGMT 494 Topics in Leadership (1-3 crs)

Prerequisite: Minimum junior standing. MGMT 300.

• Course may be repeated when topic differs. Additional prerequisites may be required depending on the topic. (See current Class Schedule.)

Current issues in leadership will be the focus of attention. Topic selection will be made by the instructor. Issues will be those facing contemporary leaders.

Repeat: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 99 credits

Lecture/Discussion Hours: 1-3

Lab/Studio Hours: 0

MGMT 495 Directed Projects (3 crs)

Prerequisite: Minimum senior standing.

Consent: Department Consent Required

Internship experiences in business situations relevant to student's major field of study; under supervision of faculty member.

Repeat: Course may be repeated

MGMT 498 Internship Program II (1-3 crs)

Prerequisite: MGMT 340 or MGMT 349. Minimum senior standing.

Consent: Department Consent Required

• Acceptance in Internship Program. See description under College of Business. Additive credit only. May not be applied to the 120-credit graduation requirement. Students must have the service-learning option approved prior to starting the Internship.

Students will participate in work experiences related to their area of interest.

Attributes: LE-I1 Integration, Service-Learning Optional, Internship, Special Course Fee Required

Repeat: Course may be repeated for a maximum of 3 credits

MGMT 499 Independent Study Projects (1-4 crs)

Prerequisite: Minimum senior standing.

Consent: Department Consent Required

Individual project under the direction of a faculty member.

Repeat: Course may be repeated

MGMT 797 Independent Study (1-3 crs)

Consent: Department Consent Required

Repeat: Course may be repeated

Grading Basis: No S/U Grade Option