Special Education Inclusive Methods for Educators, Certificate

(Code 950-607)

The Department of Special Education and Inclusive Practices offers a certificate program for pre-service and in-service teachers interested in including students with disabilities in the general education classroom. The program goals are for students to develop: (a) an understanding of disability and inclusion in PK-12 schools, (b) inclusive pedagogical skills which emphasize providing access and supports necessary for successful inclusion of students and disabilities, and (c) collaborative knowledge and skills for working effectively as part of an educational team. This certificate will not satisfy external standards or lead to licensure.

Requirements: This certificate requires 12 credits of course work and is open to elementary-middle and secondary education majors. Students must earn a grade of C or above in all courses.

Required Courses6
SEIP 200Introduction to Diverse Learners3
SEIP 300Inclusive Practices for Secondary Educators3
SEIP 400Inclusive Practices for Elementary-Middle Educators3
Electives (choose six credits)6
Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers
Assessment of Students with Disabilities
Collaboration for Student Success
Trauma-Informed Practices for Inclusive Educators
Reading/Writing Remediation, Assessment, and Diagnosis for Students with Mild Disabilities
Secondary Methods
Advanced Behavior Interventions and Assessment for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities
Play and Sensory Pedagogy
Integrated Curriculum and Inquiry

Students with a major in Special Education, Unified Special Education K-12 & Elementary/Middle K-9 are not eligible to pursue this certificate. 

Program Learning Outcomes

Students completing this program will be expected to meet the following learning outcomes:

  • Students will acquire knowledge of disability as a form of diversity, what inclusion looks like in the PK-12 school setting, professional collaboration, behavior and classroom management, and approaches for including students with a variety of disabilities in the general education classroom.
  • Students will acquire and apply inclusive classroom teaching practices focused on academics, behavior and classroom management, social skills, creating inclusive environments and classroom/school culture through a collaborative approach to educating students with disabilities alongside their peers without disabilities.